Sunday, 12 September 2010


Where has the year gone?! I can't keep up!

First off, let me reassure you that the cutteri arrived at their destination fine, so yet another happy customer and yet another successful delivery by Royal Mail. Nice work chaps.

Also, the two guys who picked up all those fish from the 6' tank also took the two P. melanurus I got from Don Conkel all those months ago. I forgot to mention that in my last post.

Right. So what's happening now?

Bad news first: Sadly I have lost two of my beautiful wild-type Angelfish. I'm not sure what the cause was, they just wasted away. I treated for both white spot ( one of the symptoms) and hole-in-the-head disease, but sadly neither made any difference.

Another slight downer is that the 'pair' of istlanum turned out to be two (admittedly stunning) males. So I'm now short on females. Needless to say, I feel another trip to see Ross coming on.

Now for the good news:

My koi angels are doing REALLY well. One of them is practically adult sized already. Twice the size of his siblings.

Noel has taken away all his fish, so no more worrying about their survival. I have to admit to being quite relieved.

I have a massive brood of lovely marble convicts growing out - I separated them from their parents this week and they are already 0.5" long and fat as anything. I know I shouldn't be that proud to have a massive spawn of convicts, but you don't see marbles that often, and the parents are really quality fish. Hopefully I can pass the fry on cheap. Either way I'm hoping to take a few bags to the BCA auction on the 26th.

The two remaining pantostictus are still alive and well. They are cohabiting in a divided 30" tank right now, putting on weight. Sadly I still can't tell what sex they are. I had a hunch they were male and female, but now I'm not so sure. They certainly don't weem very interested in each other thus far.

The bifasciatus pair have spawned again! This time I really must try to save some fry.

The Mayan pair are also looking like they might spawn soon.

I caught around 20 Ancistus youngsters earlier tonight. Very healthy they look two. They've gone into one of my small cube tanks for easy netting. These will also be going to the BCA auction.

Once again, the circle of life has come round again to make up for the losses. Even the Jaguar cichlids look like they might spawn this week. Things are on the up.

If only I could move on my young Nicaraguan cichlids - for someone reason no-one wants to buy them!


I have always been fascinated by cichlids. They are among the most stunningly beautiful of fishes; they come in all shapes and sizes (there is a cichlid to suit everyone); and they have some seriously awesome behaviour. Since I started keeping fish 15 years ago I have kept and bred several species, but I never had enough tanks to house all the individual pairs I wanted (and their subsequent fry). In April '08, I was lucky enough to have a space-heated fishroom built into the garage conversion my girlfriend and I were having done. This diary is my way of keeping track of all my fish breeding projects. I hope you find it informative!