Monday 21 February 2011


Uh oh, I think I have become unhealthily obsessed with bettas again. I am growing out a spawn from my multicolor HM male and green HM female at the moment and so far they are all doing fine. Only problem is they grow so damn slowly, despite the fact I am chucking in microworms in their thousands.

Anyway, in a bid to do some good in the world I just designed the new header logo for Steve Bell's website.

What do you think?:

Can't wait to put my next pair together. I think it's going to have to be my male copper HM and the same green Hm female, as if my genetics research is correct I should get a spawn containing both green and copper HMs, which would be great.

Things are getting worse on the EBJD front, as I think I realistically only have two youngsters worth saving from the 30 or so EBJDs I originally kept from the brood. The rest are belly-crawlers or deformed. Will be interesting to see if I can get more from the parents' new spawn - currently living next door to their sibliings.

I sold on my pair of Jack Dempseys and my male Paratilapia polleni on Thursday morning, plus 5 Ancistrus. Made £40 which will go straight back into TetraPrima. This is great news as I now have a spare tank.

My pair of gold marble angels spawned and are now looking after fry, which will be free swimming tomorrow or the day after I guess. It wasn't a big spawn, but they look strong. Need to put another angel pair together, but want to get my next pair of BGJDs going first.

Lookig forward to the EACG auction on Friday.

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I have always been fascinated by cichlids. They are among the most stunningly beautiful of fishes; they come in all shapes and sizes (there is a cichlid to suit everyone); and they have some seriously awesome behaviour. Since I started keeping fish 15 years ago I have kept and bred several species, but I never had enough tanks to house all the individual pairs I wanted (and their subsequent fry). In April '08, I was lucky enough to have a space-heated fishroom built into the garage conversion my girlfriend and I were having done. This diary is my way of keeping track of all my fish breeding projects. I hope you find it informative!