Wednesday, 4 June 2008

Panic sets in...

So, Amber tells me that she can't see any baby jags anywhere today. This is clearly not good news. I find it hard to believe the parents would simply have eaten them - there were so many! I'll be gutted if they have.

Also, the pair of cutteri fell out big time. The male has battered the female to within and inch of her life. Sadly it doesn't look like she'll make it.

Bad day for the fish room.

Went to visit Chris's fishroom (bruciethefish) this evening. I was keen to get some snaps of his gorgeous Pundamilia nyererei. He has two varieties:

Makobe (I think!)

Python Island

I have found a source for these fish, so I will definitely be getting hold of some soon. They are stunning!

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I have always been fascinated by cichlids. They are among the most stunningly beautiful of fishes; they come in all shapes and sizes (there is a cichlid to suit everyone); and they have some seriously awesome behaviour. Since I started keeping fish 15 years ago I have kept and bred several species, but I never had enough tanks to house all the individual pairs I wanted (and their subsequent fry). In April '08, I was lucky enough to have a space-heated fishroom built into the garage conversion my girlfriend and I were having done. This diary is my way of keeping track of all my fish breeding projects. I hope you find it informative!